Irish BOB Sister Irish BOB Sister

If you want it, you have to want it ALL!!

As a Life Coach, I’m often asked to coach my clients towards their goal(s). I ask a series of questions to help them find the right path. And, sometimes, on their journey to their desires, they faulter… That’s when I gently remind them of looking at their goal from all sides.

Being a child of the 70s meant that most of my entertainment at the movie theater was provided by Disney. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella to be exact. And by the end of each of these movies,…

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Irish BOB Sister Irish BOB Sister

How I survived being successful…

My new job at Freedom Road was going good- working with great people & making new friends. I was helping others while learning a ton. I had the love & support of my hubby. I had a nice apartment with a good landlord that was within walking distance to the shop. Plus, being in a largely populated area, there is lots to see & do…

So, what the hell happened?

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