How Bikers Ride Into the New Year

As we put 2022 in the Rear View (mirror that is!), many like to take a look back before looking forward and making resolutions. It's just something that happens naturally -we look to see what went right and wrong, and vow not to take the same roads that took us to the painful endings.

At first glance it might seem that Bikers do the same, but if you dig a little deeper, you just might see that:

  1. Bikers keep moving forward: We don't keep looking to the past, wishing things could stay the same as they were. Bikers realized long ago that change is the only constant -and that not getting stuck in the past allows us to move forward. And we know what's coming is usually better.

  2. Bikers are in control: Even though our world is constantly changing, we know we are in control. Not of what's happening around us -nobody controls that but the Big Guy. But we are in control of our own thoughts, emotions and reactions. After all, the past is the past, the future is yet to come, so all we're left with is the present - and that allows us not to take our lives for granted. 

  3. The by-product of that is: Bikers are happier (generally speaking). That's because we're not hung up on having things turn out exactly as planned, and then getting upset because everything's ruined. Bikers are happy because we don't need these illusions or expectations. When you don't have a particular outcome in mind, you're free to enjoy what does happen! 

The other thing that comes along with the new year is resolutions. Except that Bikers usually don't do resolutions, which is perfectly okay. I myself will have what I like to call “destinations” - as I know if I want to get anywhere I’m going to need to know where I’m going!

For 2023, my “new” destination is going to be rededicating myself to my Life Coaching and Skill Share class. I’d really like to see both of those flourish, and realize that’s going to take some work.

I’ll also be continuing my YouTube Channel, albeit producing only two “regular videos” a month, rather than once a week. I’ll be posting those on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month. Don’t worry!! I’ll still post every week - it’s just the other weeks will be “shorts.”

And by entering the new year with a purpose gives this Biker a sense that, even though it might be uncomfortable, it'll be another good one. I certainly hope your 2023 will have lots of “Smiles per Mile” in it!!


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