Living Life Cage Free

“Cage Free”? Like “Free Range” Chickens??

A few days ago we had an older couple who wanted to buy a H-D Gift Card for their grandson – now in the Air Force stationed in North Carolina. I was showing them the choices they had for the gift card holder, and one of the choices exclaimed, “Here’s to living a life Cage Free.” So the grand-mother looks at me sort of puzzled, “You mean like Free Range Chickens?” After I laughed for a bit I explained what that meant, and I’ll explain for you too:

  • Cage Free: Bikes refer to cars & trucks as ‘cages’ – since you’re pretty much in one, a roll bar cage. You’ve got air bags, a big windshield, and sound proofing which all make for a nice, quiet ride, but also removes you to from the environment. When you’re riding along in a car, you’re more insulated than a rider is on their Not this kind of cage either....motorcycle. Cage Free means you’re out on your motorcycle.

  • ‘Cage-er’: What we call a person driving a car/truck.

  • Brain Bucket: Helmet

  • MSF: Motorcycle Safety Foundation – an organization that helps to educate motorcycle riders.

  • OEM: Original (Factory) Equipment Parts – stock parts on your motorcycle.

  • Scoot/Scooter: A term that includes any motorcycle.

  • Skid Lid: Usually referring to a non-DOT helmet – one that just has a shell and little padding on the inside.

  • Tar Snake: The shiny material used to patch cracks in the asphalt. They have less traction than regular asphalt, especially in light rain or on hot days (the material has a lower melting point and will get soft or even melt).

Those are some of the most common terms you’ll hear if you’re around bikers long enough. And I hope you will!


Getting Started


Motorcycling: Risk vs. Reward