7 Ways Why Traveling by Motorcycle is Better

It's ALL About The Journey

For your vacation you can get on a plane and be at your destination in a matter of hours. But when you travel via Motorcycle you really get to the heart of where you're going. Turns out a Motorcycle is a way better way to see the world.

We have several large continents with lots and lots of roads. Those roadways provide access to popular tourist spots, charming towns, beautiful back-roads and hidden gems you won't see from the air.

Here's seven reasons why I think a Motorcycle Road Trip is the best way to travel and really get to know the country.

1. Save the Air Faire

Average ticket prices are sky high (pun intended) thanks to the rising cost of jet fuel. And don’t forget about the add-ons: baggage fees, over-priced airport food, being scanned & felt up by the TSA, and feeling like cattle as you are herded onto and off of a stuffed bus with wings.

2. Travel in Comfort

No kids kicking the back of your seat, no cramped seating without any leg-room, no seatbelt cutting off circulation and no canned air recirculating other people's germs.

On a Motorcycle you are free in the fresh air, so stretch out and enjoy the ride.

3. Stop Where You Like

Want to stop and see that vintage roadside attraction? Saw a cool diner you'd like to try? Just want to stop and enjoy the view? You can!!

On a plane you can't ask the pilot to change where they're going to land... Just another perk of traveling by Bike.

4. Easily get to Hard-to-Reach Places

Any type of travel involves time spent in transit. Of course a bike is no different.

Except your family reunion is in a little town that's going to take two planes and then another two hours by car just to get there. But on a Motorcycle you can 'fly' directly to your destination!

5. Taste the Town

If you're like me, you've gone out of your way just to try the local famous cuisine. Beans in Boston, Cheesesteak on the Chesapeake Bay, Tacos in Tijuana and Lobster in Louisiana...

Added bonus of traveling by Bike: ask the local Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) to point you in the right direction so you can eat where the locals do.

6. Go Greener

Jet wash: something not even Maverick in Top Gun can fly through. A Motorcycle emits the smallest fraction of that = no brainer.

7. Instant Friends

No matter if you're riding solo, with your SO, or with a small group of friends, you'll meet people along the road -some of them will even become life-long friends.


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